Date: 5 December 2014
Krepak, General Director of LLC Trading Company "Russian Glass" I.A. Gorlenko, Head of Sector Sales of Refractory Products for Glass Industry Enterprises of JSC Borovichi Refractories Plant I.N. Ermakov, and Associate Professor, Candidate of Chemical Sciences, Professor of the Boris Yeltsin Ural Federal University S.G. Vlasova. Vice President of StekloSouz of Russia Mikhail Pavlushkin was awarded the title "Honored Worker of the Glass Industry".
Victor Osipov stressed that the strengthening of the glass industry position is impossible without the harmonious growth of science, engineering, and related industries, as well as education. As you know, the ten-year development program of the glass industry for the period of 2010-2020 expects an increase in export of glass products starting 2020. However, seeing the current economic downturn the timescale has to be urgently moved to 2015 and the action plan to increase the export of all kinds of glass products needs to be developed. StekloSouz of Russia developed anti-crisis measures, supplemented by proposals of the heads of glass industry enterprises.
Special attention was paid to the changes to the current legislation, in particular, producer’s responsibility for products recycling, the federal draft law No.280796-6 on restriction of PET bottles for beer packaging, standardization and other regulations and standards, urgent issues of export-oriented industries and import substitution.
The next meeting of glass industry specialists will take place at the Mir Stekla 2015 International Exhibition on 8-11 June 2015.
See the exhibition website at
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