Date: 16 December 2014
In the new House 5 of the GIZ, the Society for International Cooperation, they only had eyes for Bobby Cars, crafts materials and, of course, the fantastic fairy-tale world in the canopy bed.No, this was not a manifestation of disdainful ignorance - it was simply the age-appropriate focussing of attention.Because we are talking about children. Little nippers aged three, four or five who soon will attend GIZ's company kindergarten, to be precise. The nursery school "Zauberland'" offers 70 places, hence more than twice as many as prior to the new building's construction.
We at FLACHGLAS Wernberg, however, do completely agree with the premieral judgement GIZ's House 5 is very nice indeed. Approximately 2,200 sqm of glass from Wernberg contribute considerably to this impression. We also contributed to making the building a highly sustainable one. The insulation glazing keeps the goethermally generated heat where it belongs: inside the house.
To conclude with a short anecdote: When printing the five different glass designs in six different colours in quite a short period of time some confusion is virtually inevitable. All the better, though, if you can rely on a highly sensitive quality management - that prevents a mishap from turning into a significant drawback. When we were printing some of the panes in the wrong colour, the mistake was promptly discovered and even more promplty corrected - without causing any delay in the construction schedule. Nice, isn't it?

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