Date: 25 November 2014
Topic of the event: "The competitiveness of the glass business in today's economy." The Forum was held in Day of the glass industry. The event brought together leaders and experts from 14 countries and 42 regions of Russia. The conference was opened by Viktor Ivanovich Osipov - President of StekloSouz.
In his welcoming remarks, VI Osipov said: "I am convinced that the work of this Conference will be as constructive and always will be a significant step in solving the actual problems of the global glass industry. Strengthening the position of the glass industry are impossible without the harmonious growth of science, engineering and related industries, education. " Congratulating all the participants of the Forum Happy employee of the glass industry, Viktor Ivanovich read out greetings from the relevant ministries, branch of the Federal Union, head of the region and announced the start of the morning plenary session.
Further, the Secretary issued the International Commission on Glass (ICG) Peter Simurka. In his report, he highlighted the major trends in the global glass industry, and emphasized that "to date, are presented to the glass all the new requirements, scientists and practices required to timely solve assigned tasks consumers, satisfy any requests."
Experts from Russia, Austria, Germany, Italy, Slovakia, Poland, Turkey, Switzerland and other countries in their speeches and presentations covered a wide range of topics: from the design of factories, production equipment for glass, building glass furnaces of the new generation, a sharp improvement in the economy of plants, application of energy efficient technologies, technologies of industrial processing of cullet to the application of new materials, refractory materials, modern glazing of buildings and vehicles.
During the event, special attention was paid to changes in the existing legislation, in particular, producer responsibility for recycling products, the Draft Federal Law № 280796-6 to restrict the use of PET bottles for packaging beer, standardization and other regulations, topical issues of the export orientation of the industry and the transition on import substitution.
As you know, under the ten-year program for the development of the glass industry 2010g.-2020. calculation is made on the planned increase in the export of glass products, starting with 2020. However, given the failure of the country's economy, the timing must be urgently transferred to 2015. and develop an action plan to increase the export of all kinds of glass products.
Anti-crisis measures designed StekloSouz leaders of Russia, discussions were complemented by new proposals CEOs.
Was lit and the issue of systemic failure in the sectors of consumer glass products. Given that the conference is traditionally held in the Day of the glass industry, VI Osipov -President StekloSouz Russia, presented awards for managers and specialists of various companies in the industry, which this year have made substantial progress in the work, scientific and social activities: General Director of "Petersburg glass" Krepak F.A., General Director of Trading Company Russian Glass Gorlenko I.A., Sector Manager for the implementation of refractory products for the glass industry enterprises of JSC" Borovichi Refractories "Ermakova I.N., Associate Professor, Ph.D. teacher The first President of Russia B.N.Yeltsin Ural Federal University Vlasova S.G.
The audience warmly congratulated Mikhail Nikolayevich Pavlushkin, vice president StekloSouz Russia, with the rank of "Honored Worker of the glass industry."
The certificate was handed over to the new members of the federal branch organization "StekloSouz Russia" - Bogdanovich of "Refractories".
With the successful work of the delegates congratulated, on behalf of the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia - Vladimir D. Gorbunov, from the Chamber of Commerce of the Russian Federation - Vladimir Yakovlevich yurt, Sidorov Alexander - Deputy Minister of the Ministry of Architecture and Construction of Belarus. Alexander shared the experience of effective interaction between government and business in his country. After the end of the evening plenary meeting professionals, students and the media for another hour asking their questions to the experts, in particular, intellectual property protection, and the implications for the economy associated with the fall of the ruble.
In conclusion, the decision was made to reflect the main problems hampering the work in heavy industry and economic conditions.
Russian President StekloSouz thanked all participants for their interesting presentations, highlighted a significant role StekloSouz Russia on issues relevant to the industry, work-related businesses, training, changes in the existing legislation. Summed total events. After the completion of the closing of the conference was a festive gala dinner dedicated to the Day of the glass industry.
The next forum "Glass and modern technologies - XXI" on 9 and 10 June 2015. during the period of the International Exhibition "Mir stekla- 2015".
Press Center StekloSouz

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