Date: 9 January 2014
If you have not submitted an abstract to ESG 2014 conference yet, please note that the deadline for submission has been extended until January 25, 2014.Authors are kindly invited to submit 300-word abstracts.Please find the instructions for abstract preparation at the web page: Authors will be notified regarding the acceptance of their abstracts after reviewing.For any inquiry regarding the submission process and registration at the Conference please contact the Scientific Secretariat by e-mail at: info@esg2014.itBarbara Ferrari Scientific Secretariat 12th ESG 2014 Conference info@esg2014.itTaking into account requests from prospective participants at ESG 2014, it has been decided to extend the deadline for abstract submission at the 12th ESG Conference Parma (Italy) September 21-24, 2014.
If you have not submitted an abstract to ESG 2014 conference yet, please note that the deadline for submission has been extended until January 25, 2014.
Authors are kindly invited to submit 300-word abstracts.
Please find the instructions for abstract preparation at the web page:
Authors will be notified regarding the acceptance of their abstracts after reviewing.
For any inquiry regarding the submission process and registration at the Conference please contact the Scientific Secretariat by e-mail at:
Barbara Ferrari
Scientific Secretariat 12th ESG 2014 Conference

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