Date: 3 June 2014
EME Maschinenfabrik Clasen GmbH, one of the leading suppliers for batch plants and cullet return systems in the glass industry, won the bidding with the Algerian based glass producer Africaver.
Societe Africain du Verre (Africaver) belongs to the state owned Enava Group and is modernizing its patterned glass line in Jijel, Algeria and trusts in EME technology.The production line at Africaver has a melting capacity of 130 t per day.EME is upgrading major parts of the raw material transport, dosing and weighing as well as parts of the batch transport. In addition a new control and visualization system will be delivered and EME will be in charge of the supervison of installation and commissioning.
The picture shows Mr. Zineddine Bourouais, the responsible project manager of Africaver handshaking with Mr. Egbert Wenninger, Managing Director of EME after the contract negotiation in the Africaver premises.
EME realizes batch plant in Algeria 
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