Date: 16 June 2014
Now for the first time, Beneq Thin Film Equipment and Beneq Lumineq Displays will be under the same roof, enabling the two complementary entities to take greater advantage from their synergies.The Espoo plant, the biggest concentration of ALD equipment in the world, will be the place that combines the past, present and future of ALD.“We bring you our heritage from 30 years of continuous thin film production.Today, we are the world’s largest atomic layer deposition (ALD) stronghold with an offering that satisfies the most demanding of needs, be that research, industry or job coating. For the future, we will continue to pioneer the future of ALD for use in research, product development and industrial production,” says Sampo Ahonen, CEO, Beneq.
Our new contact information is as follows:
Beneq Thin Film Equipment and Beneq Lumineq Displays are now located on the same premises in Espoo, Finland.
For more about Beneq, please contact:
Mr Sampo Ahonen, CEO, Beneq
Tel: +358 40 520 1090
e-mail: sampo.ahonen(at)
Beneq, leading supplier of production and research equipment for thin film coatings, is also the world’s premier manufacturer and developer of thin film electroluminescent (TFEL) displays. Beneq equipment and thin film experience is used for improving the efficiency of crystalline silicon and thin film solar cells, enhancing the durability of organic electronics and protecting silver from tarnishing. In addition to process equipment, Beneq also offers job coating.
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Beneq and Lumineq are registered trademarks of Beneq Oy.

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