Date: 20 May 2009
Last year’s booth was an overwhelming success, even in a down year,” said Erin Johnson, Edgetech’s director of marketing. “Our customers appreciated the forum we provided for industry professionals to learn, share and stay ahead of the many changes we are facing.We will once again have third-party representatives at the booth to offer advice and answer any remaining questions IG manufacturers have.”
Edgetech University’s classroom-style, in-booth “quads” will include Marg Webb, executive director for the Insulating Glass Manufacturers Association (IGMA), who will address the topic of IG Certification, Michael Thomen from ATI Test Labs, who will address testing and simulation, and Rich Walker, President and CEO, American Architectural Manufacturers Association (AAMA).
Additionally, a few courses will be presented directly by Edgetech’s experts, including hands-on Super Spacer® application, best practices for manufacturing triple-glazed IG and – back by popular demand – MythBusters structural simulations.
Furthering its dedication to education and elevating the industry, Edgetech is also happy to announce its sponsorship of the GlassBuild America Energy Efficiency Seminar to take place on Oct. 1 at 10:30 a.m. The panel-style discussion will bring industry experts together to examine trends affecting the industry, including existing rules, changes and future opportunities. Moderating the panel is Rich Walker, President and CEO, American Architectural Manufacturers Association (AAMA), with panelists that include Marg Webb, Executive Director, Insulating Glass Manufacturers Alliance (IGMA), Richard Karney of the U.S. Department of Energy’s Energy Star Program, Brandon Tinianov, Chief Technology Officer, Serious Materials, and a representative to be determined from the commercial sector.
“The Energy Efficiency Seminar will undoubtedly be one of highlights of this year’s show,” Johnson said. “We anticipate a lively discussion that will help us all gain insight, take advantage of available opportunities and poise ourselves, as an industry, for future growth.”
The company will also feature its value-added products and services offered through the Edgetech 360® Value Promise, as well as the SustainaView® Window Technology campaign.
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