Date: 25 May 2005
Total revenue has increased from Rs1.35bn in Q4-04 to Rs1.61bn for the quarter ended March 31, 2005.The Company has posted a net profit of Rs782mn for the year ended March 31, 2005 as compared to Rs717.49mn for the year ended March 31, 2004.Total revenue has increased from Rs4.95bn in FY-04 to Rs5.96bn for the year ended March 31, 2005.The company said that, its Board of Directors has recommended a dividend of Rs1.50 per equity share (150%) on 7,99,63,793 equity shares of Re1 each for the financial year 2004-05.Taking in consideration the interim dividend of Re1 per equity share earlier declared the total dividend to equity shareholders for the financial year comes to Rs2.50 per equity share.
The board has also recommended a dividend @ 0.01% on 6,00,000 non cumulative preference shares of Rs100 each for the financial year 2004-05 and also recommended a bonus issue of 7,99,63,793 equity shares of Re1 each as fully paid up to the equity shareholders in the proportion of 1 equity share for every 1 equity share held by them on the record date to be fixed for the purpose.

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