Date: 9 January 2014
These words form part of the introduction to Ardagh’s 2013 Sustainability Report, which covers ongoing initiatives from all parts of the company’s worldwide glass and metal packaging operations.Ardagh Group, which has a turnover of €4.2 billion and employs over 18,000 people, defines sustainability as “not only delivering a reduced environmental impact but also achieving sound economic performance and making a positive social contribution.” The emphasis has always been on “taking a proactive approach to identify and minimise any economic, environmental and social risks that may affect the business.”The company’s aim, “to be the leading supplier of inherently sustainable packaging” is exemplified in the case studies that feature in the 2013 Report.They include:
- Running a project throughout the European Glass Division to increase the quality of recycled glass
- The first company to meet the requirements of EPEA (Environmental Protection Encouragement Agency) for the assessment of 2 metal cans according to Cradle-to-Cradle (C2C) standards
- Delivering an educational programme on recycling to 4500 Polish children
- Achieving continuing success in eliminating accidents through the Be Safe programme
- Gaining the Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) certificate at the Conklin Metal Plant by the U.S. Green Building Council.
- Launching a heat exchange pilot programme in collaboration with Coca Cola at the Dongen Glass Plant in the Netherlands
“We use sustainability targets in our long term strategic planning to ensure that we reduce any negative environmental impact whilst remaining economically sustainable and socially responsible,” says Ardagh Group CEO Niall Wall in an introduction to The Report.
Copies of The Report are available to download from

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