Date: 9 October 2014
Ardagh Group is using this major beverage event to illustrate the evolution of its most recent developments in glass and metal from concept through to reality.Visitors can experience this through Ardagh’s freshthinking® Studio, a special addition to this year’s stand (Hall 4A/223).
The studio will be hosted by key members of the company’s Innovation and R&D teams, who will be exchanging views on emerging decoration techniques and the application of advanced design software, including sculptured embossing. Visitors will also be able to see how Ardagh is using consumer insights to improve and inform better packaging design, as well as how colour is impacting on brand appeal.
Ardagh has commercialised Black Glass for the first time in Europe through its Bad Münder glass manufacturing facility in Germany, and can now offer its glass customers in Europe a choice of seventeen colours. The bespoke black glass bottles, together with examples of Ardagh’s award winning branded packaging, including a number of innovations from Ardagh’s sister company in the USA, will also feature on the stand.
Equally stunning will be examples of Ardagh’s recent metal packaging developments, including a range of award winning impact extruded 25cl aluminium bottles, the Maxi Can, 3.1 litre keg designed to be kept in the fridge, with easy access to allow the beer to be easily tapped, and Top Keg Plus, with an adjustable flow rate and foam formation, where beer remains fresh after opening for 30 days by using a CO2 cartridge.

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