Date: 31 May 2010
We were won over by both the machine’s capabilities as well as the fast, expert service provided by Bystronic glass,” explained KÖWA’s Managing Director, Klaus Köhler. The compact’sealer was originally designed as a start-up solution for automatic sealing of insulating glass units.As it has been in the industry for almost 40 years “start-up” is hardly the word to use to describe KÖWA, a member of the Uniglas group, and manufacturer of insulating glass. When they made contact with Bystronic glass they had already been producing the product on two insulating glass lines for many years; the larger of these lines was modernised only last year and equipped with the latest machines from Bystronic glass. The smaller of the two lines then needed a new sealing robot, which had to fit exactly into the available space. So the company, based in Eastern Bavaria , decided on the compactversion of the sealing robot, among other things, because of the machine depth. “Bystronic glass was able to produce good references and ultimately convinced us not only about the machine’s technology, but also in respect of the personal advice given to us by their expert sales team,” recalled Klaus Köhler.
compact’sealer with new technical details
Besides the compact’sealer’s proven functions including a volume-controlled and easily accessible dosing system, no-contact conveyor through an air cushion rear wall, and a quick-release closure system for rapid nozzle changing, the latest version of the machine has a few extra technical details. By using a metal spatula which was already in use on its “big brother” – the “sealer” sealing robot, which locks the corners during the injection process, it is possible to achieve a much better quality at the corners. Furthermore, an additional feeler ensures even more accurate calculation of the required quantity of sealing material - even when the space between lites is uneven it is impossible to dispense too much, with resultant spillage. A special coating on the mixer prevents the sealing material from sticking and extends the intervals between cleaning. By implementing high-performance materials with outstanding surface qualities, the dosing unit’s service life is also extended.
Compact and simply fast
The staff at KÖWA are extremely pleased with the way the new compact’sealer operates.“It’s a completely new generation of machine, that has made our work much easier,” reported Peter Tauber, who, with Cornelia Krempl, is joint Production Manager at KÖWA. He added: “The machine is controlled on a 3D interface with sliders, so it’s easy to operate and very accurate even while wearing gloves. Just one person can quickly change the material drums, and the nozzles are flushed by simply actuating the operator knob while in automatic mode.” The dosing pistons on the two materials components are synchronised during the mixing process. This means that in automatic operation it is possible to utilise the maximum amount of material available, therefore avoiding machine stoppages.
“On our smaller line we seal insulating glass units in very many standard sizes,” continued Klaus Köhler, who last year saw a distinct increase in demand for triple insulating glass units– from a 10 percent share in 2008 to 2 percent in 2009. To meet this demand the sealing robot needed to be able to provide a high quality seal quickly and evenly, even on triple units. “With the compact’sealer we have acquired a machine that perfectly meets all our requirements," explained Production Manager Peter Tauber. In addition to the compact sealing robot, KÖWA has also been operating on the Bystronic glass insulating glass line mentioned at the beginning of this article since last year, with the company producing units up to 4.00 metres in length.
Bystronic glass media contact
Iris Minten
PR / Online Communication
c/o Bystronic Lenhardt GmbH
Karl-Lenhardt-Str. 1-9
D-75242 Neuhausen-Hamberg
Phone +49 (0)7234 601 120
Fax +49 (0)7234 601 114

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