warm edge ...

hello, I am in the search of a supplier of guide for the effect warm edge. Could you give me names of suppliers?

Guest User
Tue, 27/05/2003 - 20:49

Reply to [B]gregos[/B]:

> hello, I am in the search of a supplier of guide for the effect warm edge. Could you give me names of suppliers?

Dear gregos

there are two prinzipal Warm edge systems on the market. The most innovative ist the so called TPS System. TPS stands for thermo plastic System. instead of a ridgid spacer with a desicant filled into the empty space, the complete primary sealent consists of Butyl with integated descant. The material is extruded by a robot direcly onto the Glass. Then the secondary sealent is applied. Advantige. Best thermal performance, Durability (in my tests it passed three times more Lifecycletests than ridgid systems, it

Klaus Puschmann
Mon, 02/06/2003 - 16:47

We have a very comprehensive binder and also CD-ROM with a lot of backgroud information about warm edge, TPS tests and certifications, references and buildings.

Just send me an email with your postal address.

Best regards


Guest User
Wed, 16/07/2003 - 14:07


There is also TGI (German firm) spacer, similar to swisspacer or Thermix, but bendable - without cornerjoints, only straight connectors.

Mike Whitlam
Wed, 21/03/2007 - 09:15

Full details of our Company specialising in Warm Edge Units using Super Spacer can be found on our website www.warmedgeunits.com

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